Dried Flower Bouquet

Dried Flower Bouquets

Dried Flower Bouquets

Our extensive range of dried floral pieces have been hand picked to create designer dried bouquets available in a small posy size for $25 and going up to a large dried bouquet size of $85.00.


Each dried bouquet is made by our talented florists and will finish any room in the house perfectly without the hassle of having to water.


Enquire now to have a special piece made to suit your home.

Dried Flower Bouquets

Our extensive range of dried floral pieces have been hand picked to create designer dried bouquets available in a small posy size for $25 and going up to a large dried bouquet size of $85.00.


Each dried bouquet is made by our talented florists and will finish any room in the house perfectly without the hassle of having to water.


Enquire now to have a special piece made to suit your home.

Dried Flower Bouquet
Dried Flower Bouquets
Dried Flower Bouquet
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